Gordon Ramsay restaurant review


I'm UA and I am currently in Atlantic City, NJ. Now I spent a few weeks abroad in Beijing, China and I had some great eats there. But after a while I started to get homesick and the one thing I craved more than anything else was a delicious, juicy steak. When I got back home though I had to head to the South Jersey/Philly area to run some errands. And while Googling, I actually found out that in South Jersey, Gordon Ramsay has a steak restaurant called Gordon Ramsay Steak. In Atlantic City. Now Gordon Ramsay is hands down the most famous chef in the US, and probably the most famous chef in the world. But just in case you don't know Gordon Ramsay, not only is he famous for reality TV shows, but he is on paper one of the most accomplished chefs of all time. He has seven Michelin stars to his name, and if my research is correct he had at one point 17 Michelin stars. Pretty wild.

 As great as Gordon's fine dining accomplishments are though, some people think that he's kind of overrated now. After all he's really transitioned more towards reality TV. And also more towards opening casual restaurants. We actually ate at a few of those on this channel. The most recent Gordon Ramsay restaurant we ate at was Gordon Ramsay Plane Food in Hong Kong. And I gotta say it was kind of disappointing. It wasn't bad but it wasn't great. It was just kind of your typical airport restaurant. But I'm not gonna conclude that Gordon Ramsay's overrated because we ate at two other restaurants of his. And actually I found both of them pretty good. Maybe a little bit overpriced, but he's a celebrity chef so overpriced aside, they were pretty good. Today though comes the ultimate test. Now we've eaten steak loads of times on this channel. I would actually say steak is one of my favorite foods. If this guy really is all he's cracked up to be, his steak restaurant should be pretty good. 

Out of all the restaurants we've been to for Gordon Ramsay, I would say this is probably the most akin to his natural ability as a fine dining chef. So come on, let's go! Alright guys so we're inside Gordon Ramsay Steak. We made a reservation so there was a pretty decent line outside, but for us we slid right in because of our res. And let me tell you it's a really really cool atmosphere. Lighting is nice. A little bit mood lighting so apologies if my lighting is not always the best. But it's a nice atmosphere. The color scheme is nice. In my opinion the music is a tad loud, but not unbearably so. Let's take a look at the menu. Alright so what's interesting is there's a pretty robust seafood section here. There's a whole shellfish tower. There's oysters and clams as well as Chilean sea bass.

 Then they have a bunch of salad options but this whole second page is our bread and butter. All the steaks. And I gotta say I know Gordon Ramsay is a famous guy but these prices are quite steep. I mean $70 for filet? I know filet mignon is a pretty good cut, but it's quite small, in New York. So steaks in the form of Delmonico's. Usually it's boneless ribeye but it could also be chuck eye. $82 though for a boneless ribeye is really steep. I would say $60 is very fair. That is quite a markup for his name. The bone-in ribeye is $90, and even though it's bigger that might mostly be because of the bone. $99 for T-bone I guess isn't so bad unless that's per person. Honestly I'm gonna go with the New York Strip. Not just because of price, but I feel like ribeye is easier to cook because it's fattier. It's kind of like easy mode steak. New York strip is fatty but not extremely fatty like ribeye, so New York strip will be a good way to test the skill of the chef.

So we're gonna go with a New York strip, and we of course cannot leave a Gordon Ramsay restaurant without trying the beef wellington. Now we tried this once at Gordon Ramsay Pub & Grill. It was great. Let's see how it is here. Alright let's order! The house steak sauce is complimentary so, I usually think a good steak doesn't need sauce, but I guess we'll see how his steak sauce is. Appetizers So they actually just sent an appetizer. Some complimentary, what I think is focaccia bread on the house. And I gotta say this focaccia is looking not bad, it's looking buttery, pretty fluffy, pretty good. It's got some what I think is poppy seed studded butter at the bottom there.

 Now I'm just gonna try a little bit of this. I read some reviews on Yelp that said that the bread, you gotta be careful because the bread will fill you up. So let's just try a little bit. Alright apologies for the lighting, but let's try this focaccia bread. Hey actually that's pretty good. Honestly I had tempered my expectations, but it's quite nice. It's really fluffy. It's a little crispy on the outside but also buttery. I mean just look at how fluffy it is. Like you push it and it bounces right back like a Tempur-pedic mattress or something. Now let's try it with some butter. Oh man. I gotta tell you, that butter is just absolutely divine. That poppy seed studded butter. The poppy seeds really give it some texture, like almost a little bit of crunch but more like a seedy texture. It kind of reminds me of the Amish butter.

 I had when I was in Amish country in Pennsylvania. I was expecting just like a random bread and butter, but that's one of the top three butters I've had. I'm being serious about that. That butter is just so unbelievably rich and creamy. Like look at how rich and creamy this butter is,just look. Look at how spreadable it is. Just so rich and creamy. I want to eat more but it's definitely oily and fatty and filling, so let's save our stomach for the steak. Alright guys our steaks are here. Our beef wellington and our New York strip. Now the steak looks good. The Steaks New York strip steak. It looks like it's grilled and not cooked on a flat top or a cast iron. This looks pretty good. And then of course we got the famous Gordon Ramsay beef wellington. Now Gordon Ramsay pretty much put this dish on the map. He kind of made it like a household name and this one looks a little different than the one I had at Gordon Ramsay Pub & Grill. The Gordon Ramsay Pub & Grill one looked more rustic, almost more country-like. This one looks similar but the crust looks thinner, it looks a little more elegant almost. 

Although the way they have both of them like vomiting out the mashed potatoes is a little bit strange. But you know I don't know much about plating so maybe it's actually pretty nice. Let's try the New York strip steak first though. Hey not bad! Oh man. Wow that is excellent. Honestly guys I was ready to write this place off. Especially after the whole Gordon Ramsay Plane Food disappointing experience. I know it was just an airport, but still I was ready to call it out as it is if the steak was underwhelming. But this steak is just so tender on the inside. I mean just look, when I push down on it look at how tender it is. A good thing is that fat is really well rendered and it just made this whole steak so juicy. And so moist and so tender.

And they also properly rested it. Look when I press it the juices don't come out. So it's perfectly rested. So all you have is that fatty tender delicious New York strip flavor. Amazing. More bites. Just look at that delicious pink center. Deliciously pink. Nice char on both sides of the steak. Sometimes I don't like that grilled steaks don't have enough of a crust. But this is definitely robust enough of a crust in my opinion. Very very good.

 I almost forgot about the steak sauce. I mean the steak is good enough that I don't think it really needs it. But let's try the steak sauce why don't we? Okay let's try it with the house steak sauce now. Okay so I'll be honest about the steak sauce. The steak sauce isn't really for me. Like it's a solid steak sauce, it's one of the more okay ones I've had. I find it a little too vinegary. A little too mustardy almost. Like the mustard flavor in it is a little overpowering and I think the mustard flavor and the vinegar flavor is so strong that it kind of masks the natural flavor of the steak. Like this meat that Gordon is using is good enough. It's already juicy enough and fatty enough. It doesn't really need any sauce. And it really is cooked well as you can see by the nice even sear on the back. So you don't really want to cover up this taste at all. You don't want to mask it with this steak sauce, so forget the steak sauce. I've had some good steak sauces throughout my life. Gallaghers makes a mean steak sauce. Peter Luger, while I found it overrated, Peter Luger makes a good steak sauce as well. 

I'm sorry Gordon, it just doesn't really do it for me. But the steak is excellent as is. Now we rubbed it in plenty of that sauce on the plate. Now that was some sort of gravy, sauce-like thing they had to pair with the steak. It wasn't just juices that dripped out of the steak. It almost gives the steak like a French food kind of flavor. But once again I don't think the steak needs it. It's good enough on its own. There's just one more thing that I have to address though. Now this steak is excellent, but $70+ is a little bit steep for a New York strip steak. I'm not sure if I've ever seen a New York strip steak that expensive before. Like I know Gordon Ramsay is a big name. I know there's gonna be a surcharge for his name. But in Manhattan there's also tons of great steakhouses. Some of them are also really famous. And some of them are in Food prime real estate like Times Square. So there's markups there as well. I'll say this, the food is objectively great.

 Were it $10 less I would be singing only its praises and nothing else. But it is a little bit overpriced even for the location and even for the guy's name. So not overrated but still overpriced. Let's put this aside for now though. And let's try the famous beef wellington. Let's take a bite. Not bad. Once again nice and pink on the inside. Although it's annoying that beef wellingtons are always falling apart, so, they should invent some sort of edible rubber band to tie the whole thing together so this doesn't happen. Pretty good. But while the beef wellington here is good, I don't think it's great. I don't think all the beef wellingtons at Gordon's restaurants are created equal. I thought the one.

I had at Gordon Ramsay Pub & Grill, at least a year or two ago when I went in that video, I thought that one was better. This meat is great, this meat is just so tender. It is so unbelievably tender. Unfortunately though I think this puff pastry can use some work. I think the puff pastry can be a little bit thicker. Like if you look at the puff pastry it is rather thin, I think they can make the puff pastry a little thicker and it would make this a more hearty meal. And I actually think it could stand to be a little saltier. I feel it's a little too thin and a little under-salted. But once again no complaints at all about the meat itself, because the meat is just perfect. Nice and medium rare. 

A little more rare on this side but I actually don't mind that. But Gordon, tell your staff here to make this a thicker puff pastry and you're gonna be golden. Let's try the mashed potatoes. Oh the mashed potato is so silky and soft and. . . And buttery and creamy. It's like you're eating a nice buttery, creamy, delicious cloud. And then, I think this is some sort of red wine sauce. You pair it with the red wine sauce and it just makes it more savory. Oh wow. That red wine sauce, it kind of elevates it. It pairs perfectly with the creamy rich mashed potatoes. It turns it into like an elegant French dish. Let's try one of the carrots. Okay it's just a normal carrot. I think this is like a shallot? The vegetables are nothing to write home about. They're just normal vegetables. Overall, this beef wellington dish, not bad. It had its ups and downs.

 The beef wellington itself,good but held back by the pastry. And the mashed potatoes and the sauce was good. Vegetables were forgettable. Overall, this beef wellington dish, not bad. Though not great. But I need to finish this steak. Because this steak is amazing. And I cannot let this go to waste. Wow guys, I think this is gonna be my last bite of steak. I'm not sure if I can eat much more than this. I definitely wanted this steak to be in the cleaned plate club, and as you can see I finished most of it. But I'm not sure what it was, maybe it was taking an extra bite of the focaccia, especially with butter. Maybe it was that I ate some of the mashed potato as well as some of the beef wellington. But for whatever reason I'm not able to finish off the New York strip. But I guess I'll just have to take it to go. Getting a little bit full. Also I want to leave some room for dessert. So let's finish this and let's order Gordon's signature dessert. The sticky toffee pudding. 

Also guys I gotta say, this isn't one of Gordon's flagship Michelin star restaurants, but service here: A+. Alright guys, the famous Gordon Ramsay sticky toffee pudding. Taste Test Looks pretty good. Now we had this once at Gordon Ramsay Pub & Grill. Also in Atlantic City, although that location is at Caesar's Palace. We're currently at Harrah's. Now the two sticky toffee puddings look a little similar. Only that one was a little lighter in color. The presentation style was a little more rustic. At that place you pour the sauce yourself but at this place they pour it on top for you. And the vanilla ice cream is shaped like a stick of butter here, which is kind of interesting. Nothing to it but to do it. Now first a bite on its own. Oh wow. So deliciously sweet and spongey. Nice and warm on the inside. Sticky on the outside. Amazing. Let's try the ice cream on its own. Looks like it's melting, let's act fast. 

The ice cream's okay. Like it's a little bit icicley. It kind of reminds me of like a richer snow cone. Or like, you know when your store bought ice cream pints, you put them in the freezer for too long and they kind of become a little icicley? In a bad way. It kind of tastes like that. But it's time now to combine them. Wow. When you combine them it's perfect. Like that warm sponge cake. Very sweet and sticky. Almost slightly too sweet. And the date flavor is rather strong. Combined with that cool ice cream, That more mild ice cream, vanilla flavor, the cool ice cream, it's perfect. My only complaint, they didn't give us enough ice cream. The last time I had this at Gordon Ramsay Pub & Grill they gave us more. They need to give us more. Focus more on practicality and less on presentation. Excellent. The only problem now though? I got a whole huge chunk of half of my cake left. And not quite enough ice cream to eat it with. But it is what it is. I'll just have to chip at this slowly by slowly before I head out. But I gotta say guys. I think we're gonna wrap up the video. Now I was rally craving steak from being abroad for so long.

 And eating a Gordon Ramsay restaurant, albeit an airport restaurant in Hong Kong, kind of piqued my interest in trying the Gordon Ramsay Steak restaurant here in Atlantic City. We came here though not only looking for a great meal, but we also came here to try to answer the question of: is Gordon Ramsay legit? Is Gordon Ramsay just overrated and coasting off his celebrity chef status? Or does he still make good food and does he live up to his reputation? And I gotta say guys. So far, my experiences with his restaurants have all been positive. Well besides the Hong Kong Airport restaurant, that was not great. If you're a Gordon Ramsay fan, try this place. You won't be disappointed. If you're not a Gordon Ramsay fan, I think you should still give this place a shot. Because it's objectively a good restaurant. It's just a little bit overpriced. Even taking into account Gordon's name and the Atlantic City location, Gordon you need to drop the prices by about $10. But anyways guys I think that's gonna be it for this video. We're gonna knock out our amazing Gordon Ramsay dessert and then head home with our delicious leftovers. 
